Thursday, January 28, 2016

It’s in the Book, but Should It Be?

This is for an intermediate writing class. It is a lesson based on the first comedy record to sell one million copies, which happened in 1952. It is a lesson on removing redundancy.

Audio recording: 1952 HITS ARCHIVE: It's In The Book (Grandma's Lye Soap) - Johnny Standley (a #1 record)
Video recording: Johnny Standley.wmv
Note: If you use the second one, you may have to change the transcript slightly.
The audio recording can also be found at by a fan whose transcript I have used here.

Little Bo Peep:
Inform students that today they will edit the text of a written passage to make it shorter.
Show them this text. Explain any key words.

Apologies to this lady ahead of time, for what we will do to your rhyme.

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them;
Leave them alone, and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.
“There is too much information here. Cross out any extra words.” Have them cross out words.
It’s In the Book:
Set the scene. Show the pictures. Get them to say what they think is going on. It is important for them to speak about their hypotheses before you give your context. Do not use the captions underneath the photos at this time.
Done with that? Move on. “Today, we will listen to a recording of a man from a religious revival in the US in the 1950s. He will be speaking to a large group of Christians. He will read from a very important text. What text do you think he will read from?” [Elicit Bible.]
Audience at a religious revival in the 1950s

John Standley, playing the part of a revivalist preacher

Play them the first bit of the recording.
I have a message for you - a very sad message! My subject for this evening will be Little Bo Peep.
Stop here. Ask them if they were correct.
“Now listen again. What words would he have removed? Why?”
It’s possible to use the remainder of this transcript for lower-level learners. Use your best judgment for whatever else may need explaining.
Continue playing:
It says here, "Little Bo Peep"—who was a little girl—
                        has lost her sheep,
            And doesn't know where to find them”
Now that's reasonable, isn't it? It's reasonable to assume if Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep, it's only natural that she wouldn't know where to find them.
That, that basically is reasonable, but, uh, "leave them alone". Now that overwhelms me—completely overwhelms me. The man said she lost her sheep, turns right around and boldly states, "She doesn't know where to find them". And then has the stupid audacity to say, "Leave them alone!" Now! Now, now think for a moment! Think! If the sheep were lost, and you couldn't find them, you'd have to leave them alone, wouldn't you? So, "Leave them alone". "Leave them alone". It's in the book!
"Leave them alone and they"—they being the sheep—"they will come home". Ah yes, they'll come home. Oh, there'll be a brighter day tomorrow, they will come home! It's in the book.
                        “they'll come home,
            Wagging their tails”

Pray tell me what else could they wag?

“they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.”

Did we think they'd wag them in front? Of course, they might have come home in reverse. They could have done that, I really don't know. But, nonetheless, it's in the book.
End recording. There is more but it is not relevant to the lesson.
Now compare your answers to those of the speaker. Were they similar?
A good follow-up would be this paragraph, which they can edit out for redundancy. “There are seven words or phrases that can be removed to make this smaller and more powerful. What words would those be?”
Let me tell you about my personal friend, Roger. He’s American and bald-headed. Nowadays, he is on a diet. Today, he ate a salad with tuna fish in it. The next time he and I meet together, I think he will be thinner. His birthday is March 3, and that is coming soon, so I should give him a free gift and plan in advance what to give him. The reason is because he gave me a gift on my birthday.

Answers in boldface:
Let me tell you about my personal friend, Roger. He’s American and bald-headed. Nowadays, he is on a diet. Today, he ate a salad with tuna fish in it. The next time he and I meet together, I think he will be thinner. His birthday is March 3, and that is coming soon, so I should give him a free gift and plan in advance what to give him. The reason is because he gave me a gift on my birthday.
If they have a portfolio of their own written work, they can look for redundancies after that.

Appendix: The rest of “It’s in the Book” (Not part of the lesson). Perhaps some day I will come up with a lesson for this part.

      So now if you will, kindly pick up your books, and turn to page 222. We'll ask you all to sing. You'll find your books on the backs of your seats. Are we ready?

      Everyone, 222. Let's really enjoy ourselves, let's live it up. All together.

Do you remember grandma's lye soap?
Good for everything in the home.
And the secret was in the scrubbing,
It wouldn't suds and couldn't foam.

Then let us sing right out of grandma's, of grandma's lye soap
Used for - for everything, everything on the place,
For pots and kettles, the dirty dishes,
And for your hands and for your face.

Shall we now sing the second verse? Let's get it with great exuberance, let's live it up. It's not raining inside tonight. Everyone, let's have a happy time. Are we ready? All together, the second verse.

Little Herman and brother Thurman
Had an aversion to washing their ears
Grandma scrubbed them with the lye soap.
And they haven't heard a word in years.

Then let us sing right out of grandma's, of grandma's lye soap.
Sing all out, all over the place.
For pots and kettles, the dirty dishes,
And for your hands and for your face.

Well, let's sing what's left of the last verse. Let's have a happy time, everyone. The last verse, all together. Every one!

Mrs. O'Malley, out in the valley,
Suffered from ulcers, I understand.
She swallowed a cake of grandma's lye soap.
Has the cleanest ulcers in the land!

Then let us sing right out of grandma's, of grandma's lye soap.
Sing right out. All over the place.
The pots and - the pots and pans, oh dirty dishes,
And for your hands and for your face.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Interviewing a 2000-Year-Old Man

Hi everyone,

The following is based on a comedy routine called the 2000-Year-Old Man. This was a routine between Carl Reiner, the interview, and Mel Brooks, the 2000.Year-Old Man. The animated 24-minute film is a classic. However, at least four albums of comedy were made with this idea.

"Sir, it seems hard to believe."

What would ask a man who is 2000 years old? Think of questions you would ask him about any of these topics:

  1. history
  2. science
  3. famous people
  4. life centuries ago
  5. keeping healthy
  6. having a philosophy of life

Write down your questions, then ask a partner who pretends to be 2000 years old.

You could practice with the real questions Carl Reiner asks Mel Brooks in this video. Here are some questions that Carl Reiner asked:

  1. Could you give us the secret of your longevity?
  2. What was the means of transportation in the past?
  3. How did singing start as a custom?
  4. How was the handshake invented?
  5. How did dancing start as custom?
  6. What did you do for a living?
  7. What other jobs were there in the past?
  8. What language did you speak?
  9. What kind of factory did you have?
  10. How did you make [your product]?
  11. Do you remember any of the ancient Hebrew?
  12. Are you married? 
  13. Do you remember all your wives?
  14. How many children did you have?
  15. People are very interested in someone like Joan D'Arc. [What did you know about her?] How did you feel about her being burned at the stake?
  16. Did Robin Hood really steal from the rich and give to the poor? 
  17. Would you discuss with us someone like William Shakespeare?
  18. Do you remember any dialogue from [a lost Shakespeare play]?
  19. What did you do 2000 years ago for entertainment?
  20. In your 2000 years you've lived, you've seen a lot of changes. What is the biggest change you have seen?
  21. We all here would like to know your code [your philosophy of life].

You can compare the answers your partner gives to the answers in the video.

And you'll never see Saran Wrap the same way again.

All my best!

Keep teaching, keep laughing,


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

From the Exciting World of ... Teaching!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note. I plan to do this once a week, this blog, but in January I'm teaching seemingly around the clock. So for your consumption, I may post quick videos with little commentary.

Key & Peele - TeachingCenter combines what if with parody, particularly a parody of sports news shows in the US. It may go a little fast for non-native speakers, but check it out. 

This video is good, but other Key & Peele videos may be unsuitable for children or not safe for listening to at work. Wear your headphones in the faculty room.

So, in your opinion, do you think teaching should be like what happens in the video? Why or why not? And what was your favorite part? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

See you next week!


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Speech Circle: A Group Listening and Conversation Activity

Hi everyone! Welcome to Let's Humor, the blog that takes concepts from humor and humorous performance and applies them to the classroom.

For this post, let's examine one improve-based activity in detail. Improvisation, or improv for short, is a kind of acting where the dialogue and the action are created spontaneously by the actor, without any preparation or scripting. It is often funny but does not have to be.

In this kind of acting, it is important to develop listening skills. Here, I will present the listening game Speech Circle, which is suggested by the activity Communal Monologue.

Everyone listens and contributes when the follow a simple procedure.
1.      Put your students in a circle.
2.      Ask for a speech topic. This could be any topic the students could participate it. It could also be a monologue from a character’s point of view. This should be a kind of speech, public address, or monologue that students have encountered. Topics can range from the concrete (e.g., dogs) to the abstract (e.g., self-esteem).
3.      In the middle of the circle, one student starts a speech. Allow the speaker enough time to develop some discourse that is meaningful, not just one or two sentences.
4.      Other students jump in and continue the speech. Encourage all students to speak.
5.      The game can end once the monologue is finished. It’s important for the game that everyone listen all the time. Even if students speak in sequence of who is standing in the circle, the others will need to listen.

This is good for a class of five students, and it is ideal for groups of six. Fewer than five students, students can take even turns without standing in circles.
With lower-level students, the teacher can alternate, giving bits of the speech to help students out. In such a situation, you may want to do the game a second time with an easier topic.

This is discourse-level communication, so it may help if students have already learned transitions for time, sequencing, or reasoning, depending on the levels. If the speech is an improvised anecdote, storytelling transitions or phrases may be useful. Any needed language can be taught before or after the activity, but teaching needed language during the activity should be avoided to avoid interfering with fluency or done briefly and with the utmost sensitivity.
If you want to develop monologue skills in your students, skills where they must project a character in an extended speech, guidelines on the structure of a character monologue should be taught over time.

After this activity, students can do many things.
  • Each can summarize the speech to consolidate what they heard.
  • They could change the form of the speech into another form, such as changing a monologue into a dialogue. They can perform the dialogue.
  • Students can work in pairs on a related speech, monologue, or dialogue in response to the one done whole class. If the speech was about dogs, students could do a rebuttal to that speech’s opinions, a continuation of the same topic, or a parallel speech, such as on a pet other than dogs, but following similar structure or points. Allow for spontaneity on this stage, too, and give feedback after the speeches have been shared.
That is the activity of Speech Circle. If you use this activity or have any comments or suggestions, please join in and converse about it below.

Happy New Year!
